Marie Betty Laguerre has two children - a girl and a boy. She lives with her children and has a small business. The youngest John Berry had an operation on the heart.
With support money she pays her rent every year and program help allowed her to pay for her children's schooling.
Erwin Evins Mauritius is a Reader for more than 10 years in the parish of Saint Jean of Shanghai and San Francisco.
He lives with his family.
Since the hurricane Matthew destroyed his house, he tries to rebuild his house, but having little means retracts him.
Support money had allowed him to pay his university and take care of his 74-year-old mother.
Leger Jonas Jean Simon is a reader for more than 4 years in the parish Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco. He lives with his family, his mother, his brother, two sisters and his son Leger Nahum in a small house in rent. He has 19 months in the HOFR program and with this support he contributes to pay the rent, schooling of his son Leger Nahum and the transportation of the school of Saint John, where he is the Director.
Leger Jonas Jean Simon would like to go to university, but I does not have a way.

Mari Dieunita Seid is 62 years old and has 5 children and 6 grandsons.
Her husband has been dead for more than 15 years.
This support allows her to pay her rent and the schooling of her children and grandsons.

Marie (Alene) Bazile is 45 years old, mother of five children, member of the church Saint Moise Le Noir in Fontamara, Marie earns her living by engaging in cleaning work for people, (washing the floor, washing dishes and also the laundry in hand), although she works very hard tirelessly she can not take care of her children, she has not managed to have a husband, she is obliged to entrust one of her children at birth someone who she does not even recognize, one of the other four lives with an intellectual disability, Marie lives with less than 2 dollars a day, it is disguised unemployment. Marie has problems in her knees, she has to squat to wash the floor and do the dishes, Marie can barely sign her name in a program that the church of Saint Moise had set up on the initiative of Matushka Rose, which allowed her to open a bank account. Marie is so proud to be able to go to the bank and to sign, she would like to start a revenue-generating activity because she is too tired with the work she has to do every day even if she does not feel well. Marie thanks the donors for helping her to live better, she uses this money to pay especially the small room she lived with her family, and also to feed the children. She asks to continue to help her because her situation is precarious.

Joseph Reader (Webster O). Reader at St Moise church black for over ten years. He is a student graduating from the School of Law and Administrative Sciences. Beneficiary of the sponsorship plan since its creation. The reader Joseph lives with his parents, his brothers and sisters. His father has been blind since 15 years ago. Her mother suffers with chronic rheumatic pain, so she is forced to stay home to keep her daughter who lives with multiple disabilities. It is a family that has a lot of difficulties and the reader Joseph is asthmatic. This support he receives from the sponsorship plan helps him a lot with his studies and also to get his medication. He is not working yet, he will not be able to meet his needs without this support given the difficult situation of his family.

Madeline Randich, widow of the reader Vladimir Randich who disappeared during the earthquake of January 12, 2010. Madeleine lives with her two children 16 and 14 years old, and also two orphaned nieces. Madeleine earns her living by accompanying deaf children, her meager salary does not allow her to meet the obligations of her house. Madeleine has developed a lot of health problems lately, but despite everything she remains strong alongside her family. She has received support from the sponsorship plan since her husband's rest, this support has helped her a lot, she uses it to supply the house, for her medical follow-ups, and also for the payment of the children's school fees. Madeleine tells how this help relieved her misery. Madeleine must also help her elderly parents living in rural areas. Madeleine would like to help her children continue their academic and professional path, she would be happy to see them succeed in their studies, this is her most cherished dream.

Alexandra (Roseline) Revolute is mother of four children and member of the church St Moise the Black. Alexandra manages to look after the handicapped children of a class at the Foyer d'Amour special school. This job can not offer her a decent salary and her husband who made several attempts to go to Santo Domingo to find work, is each time repressed on his soil. Alexandra's situation is not easy at all. The support of the sponsorship plan allowed her to pay for the schooling of these four children. This is a very important contribution for her. Alexandra says that program support saves her day, as she was not able to keep the cost of living on less than two (2) dollars a day. Alexandra would like to continue to help her children to have a job, she asks for continuity of this support of the plan to be able to face her family obligations.